Meet Katie Forster, the visionary founder of Natural Therapeutics, renowned for her expertise as a naturopath, herbalist, and nutritionist. With a remarkable career spanning over 25 years, Katie has dedicated herself to the art of natural healing.

Throughout her extensive clinical practice, Katie has earned acclaim for her ability to address a diverse array of health concerns effectively. Katie practises radical empathy – she listens actively and values everything you might have shared with other practitioners, even if they didn’t seem to fully understand. Having your input and understanding your history is critical. Only then can she go about creating a personalised care plan that is right for you.

It is her profound understanding of gut health that sets her apart. Katie firmly believes in the pivotal role the gut plays in fostering overall wellness, particularly in the context of autoimmune disorders, immune resilience, mood, adrenal and skin health.

Armed with a background in biological science and an unwavering passion for harnessing the power of food as medicine, Katie approaches each client with personalised care. She crafts tailored nutritional plans and formulates bespoke herbal tonics, placing a strong emphasis on dietary interventions to facilitate the restoration of health and vitality.

Driven by her fascination with the gut microbiome and its profound influence on various health conditions, Katie is relentless in her pursuit of optimal health for her clients. She thrives on analysing pathology test results, utilising them as invaluable tools to expedite treatment and target the underlying drivers of disease.

In addition to her clinical expertise, Katie integrates lifestyle strategies into her holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in achieving lasting wellness. Committed to accessibility, she offers both online appointments and in-person consultations, ensuring that her transformative healing practices are available to all who seek them.

Katie specialises in:

  • – Gut health: Gut microbiome rehab, dysbiosis, SIBO, digestive issues, microbiome recovery post antibiotics
  • – Food intolerances and sensitivities
  • – Autoimmune conditions
  • – Immune Support
  • – Stress management & Adrenal health
  • – Vagina microbiome dysbiosis, BV, Candida infections
  • – Mood disorders – anxiety, depression
  • – Pre-conception Care, Prenatal Care & Post-natal Support
  • – Hormonal imbalances & conditions – PCOS, PMDD, PMS, endometriosis
  • – Detoxification programs & diets
  • – Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Weight management & body composition